Our Awesome Customers: Golden Women
It’s no secret that a lot of customers that come to Gold Smart are ladies (smart businesswomen, caring mothers, loving wives, loyal girlfriends, precious grandmas) … so in the spirit of things this post is all about celebrating and honoring our customers, and appreciating the achievements of women around the world!
The International Women’s Day is marked on the 8th of March every year and in different regions, the focus of celebrations ranges from a general celebration of respect, appreciation, and love towards women to a celebration for woman’s economic, political and social achievements.
These days it’s become an opportunity for men to express their love for women in a way similar to Mother’s Day or Valentines Day – however, the original meaning was strongly related to political and human rights with a focus on the political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide.
On the occasion of 2010 International Women’s Day, the International Committee of the Red Cross focused attention on the hardship displaced women endure. They state “the displacement of populations is one of the gravest consequences of today’s armed conflicts. It affects women in a host of ways.”
According to the Red Cross “Women displaced by armed conflict – often living alone with their children – are frequently exposed to sexual violence, discrimination, and intimidation. Many face poverty and social exclusion as well. International humanitarian law, therefore, includes specific provisions protecting women, for example when they are pregnant or as mothers of young children.”
This is shocking to know, yet we are reassured to know this day is taking on a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The day has become a rallying point to build support for women’s rights and participation in the political and economic areas.
Here are some ideas that the team at Gold Smart think are a great way of celebrating women:
- Think about the women, living and dead, who have helped shape your life. Do something they (or at least a few of them) would have liked
- Consider cooking their favorite food, planting their favorite flowers in your garden or sending a check to their favorite charity
- Tell your children about the women you admire most. Talk about both the ones you’ve known personally and those you’ve only read about in books
- Tour an art museum near you and pay special attention to the work of female artists
- Have a party and invite all the women you never get to spend enough time with.
- Shower the women in your life with wonderful gifts (if you’re a man)
- Accept graciously when the men in your life shower you with gifts (if you’re a woman)
Famous Women of History
- Mother Theresa
- Cleopatra
- Joan of Arc
- Queen Victoria
- Indira Gandhi
- Marie Antoinette
- Marie Curie
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Mary Magdalene
- Harriet Tubman
Famous Women of New Zealand
- Jacinda Ardern
- Jean Batten
- Katherine Mansfield
- Malvina Major
- Kiri Te Kanawa
- Kate Sheppard
- Yvette Williams
- Annelise Coberger