An easy way to earn some extra cash is to have a clean-up around the house gathering gold and silver items not in use anymore.
Although we love meeting our customers at our head office in Auckland, we know that sometimes this is not always possible. For customers looking to sell gold in Tauranga, we have an efficient Courier Pack System which enables you to do this easily.
If you are in Tauranga and wish to sell gold and/or silver to us, requesting a Gold Smart Courier Pack can be a fast and lucrative option when selling your items. With the help of our friendly team, Tauranga customers can take advantage of our excellent rates ensuring you are getting more money for your items.
A few days ago we received a call from someone wanting to sell gold in Tauranga. Unaware of our courier system, the person was willing to drive 2.5 hours to Auckland in order to take advantage of our high rates. After a quick chat and reading several testimonials from people who have used our courier pack, the customer proceeded and the transaction went fast and smoothly.
Contact Gold Smart
Whenever you are ready to sell your gold and/or silver, all you have to do is visit the contact page on our website and request your pack. A Gold Smart staff member will contact you and guide you further with the process.
You can also call us now on 0800 465 376 and speak with one of our friendly team.